Canada to Panama: The road so far
Here is our itinerary since our departure from Halifax (Canada).

Our first 8 months on the road
Our first 8 months on the road : 267 - days on the road 27000 - km covered 10 - countries visited 20 - border crossings 0 - breakdowns 3...

“We love, we love less” Central America
We love: The beaches: it goes without saying that Costa Rica and Panama have an amazing variety of beaches, but we never suspected the...

Chichicastenango - The market

Guatemala and El Salvador
The first things that strike us as we enter Northern Guatemala are the lack of shops compared to the high consumerism in Mexico- here...

Tubing & Zip lines
#guatemala #zipline

Grottes de Candelaria (Guatemala) par Zoé
On est allé faire du tubing. On est allé prendre des boues et des gilets de sauvetage et des lampes pour dériver sur une rivière. La...

Tikal & Howler monkeys