Hello, Hola, Bonjour!
Ça fait un bail depuis que nous avons mis à jour le blog ! Depuis, home2home a traversé 3 pays, fêté 2 anniversaires de naissance et 1 de mariage, vu des tortues, des dauphins, et des flamants roses du désert touché la 2eme plus grande météorite du monde, vu les anneaux de Saturne avec un télescope et une autre galaxie à œil nu…. Bref, nous nous occupons, mais depuis le Brasil, nous profitons à fond des superbes endroits de camping sauvage sur les plages au Brésil ou dans les déserts en Argentine et Chili, ce qui veut dire pas de WiFi des campings pour télécharger nos photos! Nous nous sommes préparés avec l’achat d’un SIM local dans chaque pays, mais comme des bons amateurs en informatique ( !!), nous n’arrêtons pas de nous ‘faire avoir’ mais Microsoft office qui fait des mises à jour dès que nous allumons l’ordi et cela nous grille nos paquets de data de 2GB en moins de 10 minutes! Grrr! Enfin, nous pensons avoir réglé le beans et nous pouvons donc téléchargé les derniers textes et photos – qui datent un peu – mais qu’on souhaite partager quand même pour vous montrer la beauté de ces pays!
Bisous, besos, hugs!
Hello, Hola, Bonjour !
It’s been a while, weeks, months even since we last wrote. Since then home2home has crossed 3 countries, celebrated 2 birthdays, one anniversary, seen turtles, dolphins and flamingos in the desert, touched the 2nd largest meteorite in the world, seen Saturn’s rings in a telescope and another galaxy with the naked eye … We’ve been busy, but to discover these amazing spots we’ve mostly been wild camping on beaches or in deserts so we haven’t had the luxury of campgrounds with WiFi connections …. (nor the luxury of hot showers, but that’s another story!). We purchased local SIM cards in each country but Microsoft Office keeps helpfully doing automatic updates each time we turn the computer on and our 2GB monthly allowance evaporates in a flash ! Anyways, we seem to be sorted now and are uploading our last blog texts and photos from Brazil and Argentina to share the beauty of these spectacular places with you!
Bisous, besos, hugs xxx
A brief Brazilian blog… more photos than words – almost!
Our last night in Brazil, and just like when we left Colombia, our hearts are heavy leaving this beautiful country and its friendly people...
But, only two months to go and so many places we still want to see in Argentina and Chile – we have to get moving again! We have LOVED our time in Brazil which was a month of sunshine and beaches after weeks in the cold at Andean altitudes… $3 bottles of cachaça also helped keep morale high during our time here!
Our only regret for this country is our poor Portugnol meaning that we have been relying on sign language and gestures to speak, and despite that everybody has still been extra friendly with offers of places to sleep, fill water, shower, etc... We've muddled through but wish we could have communicated more! Tomorrow we cross into Argentina to visit the Argentinian side of Iguazu falls - heading back to the west coast, the Andes and the cold.
We hope our photos give you a glimpse of this magnificent country where nature and wildlife are abundant, beaches golden, water turquoise and the national dress is togs and jandals! Pippa felt right at home, apart from the size of the bikini bottoms! :)
Much love to you all, bisous – bonnes vacances!
Ps. OK, I exaggerated apart less words than photos but I was pretty brief compared to usual!

Warriors on the Beach at Trindade - or kids that found an old fire pit and parents that let them play in it :)

Another beautiful Brazilian jungle walk

The club :)

Not yet that warm for swimming, but Brazil had some of the nicest beaches we've seen!

Cachaca distillery on the 'Road to gold'

Our day of luxury on a private boat in Paraty - Caipirinha included of course!

In water this clear the kids were plucking out fish as easy as picking blackberries!

Paraty colonial centre

Iguazu - right up in the "mouth of the devil!"