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Colombia continued….

Colourful Colombia continued to put on the charm as we headed south. After the last blog post in Northern Colombia we discovered the highlands – hiking (in the pouring rain) in Cocora Valley to see the last remaining wax palms and the amazing wee hummingbirds some with the most brilliant blue tails; climbing to 4000m to see the sulphurous green lake of Laguna Verde, and marvelling at the craziest of churches, Las Lajas. Built in a steep valley after a miracle sighting of the Virgin Mary, this 100-yr old church juts out from the side of a steep canyon, connected to the other side with a tall bridge. Not only is the architecture amazing enough, but the church lights up at night in a Disney-like scene only adding to the miraculousness of this place!

The friendliness of the Colombians continued and the kids have been photographed, kissed, hugged and had their heads rubbed until they were well sick of it. Now they run away to hide when locals come to talk! The smaller the town, the less used to gringos the locals were, the more they were intrigued by our campervan, our trip, our funny Spanish and our blue-eyed children. If only we were to charge $1/photo we could have funded our trip by now! Check out the photo of Florent almost being mobbed when he opened the camper door!

We shed a small tear as we exited Colombia as we feel we had to leave too soon and we would have happily stayed another week, or month, or year…. We hope maybe our photos will inspire you to visit this amazing country – we certainly hope to make it back one day!

The hike to Laguna Verde - not that long, but at that altitude it was tough!

The hike to Laguna Verde - not that long, but at that altitude it was tough!

Just your normal welcome crew outside the camper in a remote Colombian village!

Villa de Leyva - another beautiful colonial city

With our friends Marcel and Nina - before or after the stiches to Marcel's head??

Colourful Colombia

The best! Homemade coconut lemonade! Filandia

Oops- who forgot their bathers? Luckily this beautiful waterfall was all ours for the afternoon!

The hike to Valle de Cocora started in the sun....

... and got a little wetter as we went along...

Lunch with friends we met along the way

There are those famous wax palms behind the clouds!!!

Las Lajas Disney-like sanctuary

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