We arrived in Ecuador truly subdued after our departure from Colombia not expecting to find much in this country, but we quickly changed our minds on arrival at Graham and Amalia’s house just outside of Ibarra. An Australian-Colombian couple with a four-year old daughter, they treated us like we were family taking us to visit and learn about the Equator, out to yummy restaurants and to see the local sights. The kids went wild in the playroom and travelling in the back of the van, so much so that our one-night stop turned in to four!
Despite the short time we had allowed to visit this country, we decided to fit in a small detour into the Amazon, and we left the volcanoes and high agricultural plains of the centre behind to head west to the heat and humidity of the jungle, and the kids fell in love with Bella... She is four-months old and she is a white-faced capuchin monkey whose mother was killed by a local tribe so she is being raised in a monkey rescue centre. The highlight of their stay – and possibly even the whole trip – was feeding her a bottle and singing her a nursery rhyme to put her to sleep!
We then had a date with our "fourth child" who we keep well hidden in Ecuador! Jhonnathon is a 12-year old boy we sponsor through www.plan.org and he lives high up in the Chimbarozo region of Ecuador. After donning our blue vests to identify us as Plan visitors, we headed up, and up, to the small village at 3800 m where Jhonnathon lives with his 4 brothers and sisters in a house with no doors or heating!! It was a really magical day, we were welcomed with chicha, the local fermented maize drink, usually made by chewing the maize to use saliva enzymes to break down the starch. Apparently you get different flavours depending on who does the chewing, but between the toothless Granny and the look of the other cooks, we didn’t ask to know who had made this one! Jhonnathon showed us his home and the kids were specifically impressed with the ceiling piece in his bedroom – a full size pig, hung up to dry and to cut off a piece each time they needed… (un vrai cochon pendu!!) We exchanged gifts leaving Jhonnathon with his first ever soccer ball and a Ecuador team t-shirt and receiving a hand-made woollen scarf and we left feeling very blessed. We've met many different people during our travels and meeting Jhonnathon and his family is an experience we will remember - his family’s happiness was contagious and the work the Plan association does in this remote and very poor village was truly inspiring.
Our next and last stop in Ecuador was to see boobies on the beach (ha ha, I had to do at least one joke about that!). These types of boobies are blue-footed marine birds mostly found in the Galapagos, but luckily for us, also found in smaller numbers in the ‘Poor man’s Galapagos’ just off the cost of Puerto Lopez. We spent a day observing these blue-footed and Nazca boobies, frigates and tropical birds as well as full-sized turtles and colourful clownfish. It was a real treat. Topped off with a swim at the most beautiful beach we have been to in a long time, with perfect golden sand and with clear turquoise water (definitely helped by the fact they don’t allow food so there’s very little rubbish), we finished our Ecuador stay in style!
Van life is still going well. Picar is truly a champ and we have had no mechanical or other issues since Mexico. The kids are continuing their school, with the emphasis now on English materials, and we are each finding our space in our small house with an extra large backyard!
We’re now in Northern Peru, discovering Pisco sours, northern beaches and very soon Inca ruins. We are counting down the days (and kilometres left to travel) before meeting Pippa’s parents in Cusco in 10 days.
Much love to you all xx

Amazing garden in the cemetery near the border

Feeling like we're home at Graham and Amalia’s

The Equator in Ecuador !

The mighty Condor in Parque del Condor

A glimpse of the Amazonia next to Puno

Bella, the rescued Capuchin monkey - Paseo de la monos

Visiting Jhonnathon ... we are welcomed with a nice meal !

Olivia eating her 'choclo'

Jhonnathon proudly posing with us

Jhonnathon with brothers and sisters

On the boat to Isla de la Plata

The amazing fish market in Puerto Lopez

Classic bBreakfast at the fish market : fish filets and shrimps

The gorgeous Playa los Frailes