Holidays with the cousins are over so before we meet up with the N'dolo family and Nanny and Poppa in Yellowstone, we decided it was time to get started on some school work... Max is starting CP, first year of French school, or year 2 in NZ and his books are full of French syllable sounds to learn and early maths. It might not be as exciting and daunting as starting primary school with the big kids, but he is keen and is usually ready before the teacher! Zoe is starting CE2 or NZ Year 4 and her books are full of French grammar, subtractions and additions which is slightly more headache-producing for the teacher so it’s a good thing the student’s enthusiastic even is she’s not very methodical! School-on-wheels while driving is not ideal as covering the two lessons levels at the same time, giving Olivia a 'school' activity too, and checking the driver is reading the signs is intense! Having their 'teacher' on hand means there are questions, lots of them and there's no putting up hands and waiting for the teacher to be ready before answering! Lakeside lessons are much easier with a little more space, a playground for Olivia and a tag team of two teachers to take over from each other when one's patience is running too low...